When you should invest in timeshare?

A timeshare is an ownership model in which many customers own allotments of usage in the same property. The timeshare model can apply to many different types of properties, such as condominiums, homes, campgrounds, vacation resorts, recreational vehicles, and private jets.


With opportunities to rent allotted time each year and sell timeshare interests in the future, many owners of vacation timeshares look at purchasing as an investment. However, this view is frequently misguided.

The advantages of a timeshare vacation property often include larger accommodations and a feel of being at home, but timeshares are not a good idea for everyone. In fact, the timeshare market is rife with gray areas and questionable business practices; so, it is vital that prospective customers practice due diligence before buying. The best timeshare investment opportunities tend to be in the resale market rather than in the market created by property developers.

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Disadvantages of Timeshares

Many timeshare acquisitions are impulsive and emotional purchases. For example, Las Vegas is filled with timeshare marketers who entice customers to listen to an off-site timeshare presentation. In exchange for listening to their pitch, they offer incentives, such as free event tickets and complimentary hotel accommodations. The salespeople work for property developers and frequently employ high-pressure sales approaches designed to turn "nays" into "yeas." The prices developers charge are significantly more than what a buyer could realize in the secondary market, with the developer surplus paying commissions and marketing costs. Also, timeshare marketers may conceal the actual cost of timeshare ownership and exaggerate its potential benefits.

Even if a timeshare owner knows the full costs and true nature of timeshare benefits, a few disadvantages remain. For instance, timeshares depreciate quickly. Maintenance fees can rise every year, to the point that timeshare owners decide to sell their allotments rather than continue paying fees. The American Resort Development Association advised that the average annual maintenance fee for a timeshare is $700, which does not include the timeshare purchase price.  The association also estimates that fees will increase 8% on average annually.

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Advantages of Timeshares

Despite the disadvantages, some people enjoy owning a timeshare property. They are especially beneficial for people who like vacationing in the same place every year and who are patient enough to wait a year or more, if necessary, to make a timeshare exchange to vacation elsewhere. Such a wait is typical when there is a mismatch between supply and demand. For example, someone with a timeshare in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, would encounter difficulty making an exchange for a week's stay at a Paris timeshare. The owner of the Paris timeshare would have to agree to an exchange for a stay in Myrtle Beach. The unbalance of demand makes it difficult to execute a trade.

1. What you get. You are purchasing the privilege to use a luxury accommodation in a resort or hotel, usually for one week per year. You get the comfort and convenience of a vacation home with the luxury of a resort, says Howard Nusbaum, president of the American Resort Development Asso¬ciation; see ARDA’s guide, “Understanding Vacation Ownership”). Most timeshares are developed or managed by big-name hospitality companies, such as Disney, Hyatt, Marriott and Wyndham. Urban timeshares are a new variation that have taken off in several cities, including New Orleans, New York City, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

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2. What you’ll pay. The upfront price is based on location, unit size (from a studio to three bedrooms), amenities and the season you select. A week in a new, upscale two-bedroom unit with a view averages about $20,000, although you could pay as much as $40,000 in New York City, says Nusbaum. Most buyers pay cash. Developers offer financing but charge a high rate of interest (typically 15%), says Judi Kozlowski, an agent in Orlando who specializes in timeshare resale. You’ll also pay an annual maintenance fee of $800 to $1,200, she says.
3. Same time, same place? With fixed ownership, you’re locked in to a specific week each year. With floating ownership, which is more common, you can reserve your vacation time on a first-come, first-served basis. You gain flexibility, but popular destinations, such as Maui in winter, may be hard to get. Depending on the “exchange value” -- the desirability of your timeshare -- you may be able to switch to another venue within your home resort’s portfolio of properties, says Nusbaum. Or you may be able to trade through an exchange company, such as RCI or Interval International.

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4. Buy for less. If you buy a timeshare from the resort, you may be offered incentives (say, free membership in an exchange company), and you may enjoy greater consumer protections. But if you buy from a current owner, you’ll likely pay one-third to half as much, or even less. In May, an owner at Marriott’s Cypress Harbour, in Orlando, listed a two-bedroom, two-bath unit for $3,000, with a $1,208 maintenance fee. To search resale listings, try www.redweek.com, www.vacatia.com, Timesharing Today and the Timeshare Users Group.
5. What happens if you want out? The industry is better regulated than it was, say, a decade ago. Most states allow you to cancel a timeshare contract, usually within five to seven days. To sell a timeshare, your best bet is to list it with a reputable resale broker (go to www.licensedtimeshareresalebrokers.org); brokers generally charge 10% to 30% commission. During the last recession, some owners who could no longer afford their units fell prey to scamsters who promised quick sales and collected upfront fees.

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6. Bottom line. Timesharing is almost certainly cheaper, with fewer hassles (in terms of property management) and more flexibility, than buying a vacation home or condo. But don’t think of it as an investment; a timeshare doesn’t appreciate. The value lies in using it, and if you’re lucky it may have some residual value when you sell it.


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